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Ostara (Spring Equinox)

OSTARA (pronounced O-STAR-ah) is usually celebrated on the Spring Equinox right around March 21 (although because of its origins, may instead be celebrated on the fixed date of March 25).

The name for this Sabbat actually comes from that of the lunar Goddess, Eostre. Her chief symbols were the bunny (for fertility and because the Ancient Ones who worshipped her often saw the image of a rabbit in the full moon), and the egg (representing the cosmic egg of creation). This is where the customs of "Easter Eggs" and the "Easter Bunny" originated.

Ostara is a time to celebrate the arrival of Spring, the renewal and rebirth of Nature herself, and the coming lushness of Summer. It is at this time when light and darkness are in balance, yet the light is growing stronger by the day. The forces of masculine and feminine energy, yin and yang, are also in balance at this time.

At this time we think of renewing ourselves. We renew our thoughts, our dreams, and our aspirations. We think of renewing our relationships. This is an excellent time of year to begin anything new or to completely revitalize something. This is also an excellent month for prosperity rituals or rituals that have anything to do with growth.

We created a sabbat candle that embraces everything of Ostara, with its fresh aroma of blooming florals and cut grass of Spring.

Gets yours today! Available until March 31

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